I think the answer is 'All are well, aren't they?'
I'm not sure.
Third person point of view was being expressed in this
Trust to me means you can be open to someone because you know they won’t go around telling what you told them. You aren’t hesitant to tell them something
Answer:I noticed that the poem rhymes a lot. Also another thing that I noticed is that the poem never talks about death, but the concept of death is implied heavily. Another thing that I noticed is that the poem personifies the heart. Giving the heart the person-like quality of being able to change it's mood. My partners thoughts about the poem "Dust of Snow' are... My partner noticed a connect between a hemlock tree and a crow. They noticed that things fell down like your feelings can fall down. They also noticed that the poem makes you view the dust of snow more negitivley. My partner and I noticed that the hemlock tree and crow both implied death, with the line "Of a day I had rued" backing up the implied meaning of death. I feel that the parts that my partner pointed out were true. They noticed that things fell down (the snow) and that emotions also fell down too (Of a day I had rued).