grid computing
<h2><u>Fill in the blanks </u></h2>
<u>grid computing</u> involves connecting geographically remote computers into a single network and combining the computational power of all computers on the network. It takes advantage of the the fact that most computers use their central processing units on average only 25 percent of the time, leaving 75 percent of their capacity available for other tasks. A super computer Nanotechnology A workstation Grid computing Green computing
.docx is the default file extension on a Word doc.
dataFile << salary;
To write salary to a file (payroll.dat) using ofstream, you make use of the following instruction:
<em>ofstream dataFile;
<em> ("payroll.dat");
<em>myfile <<salary;
<em />
This line creates an instance of ofstream
<em>ofstream dataFile;
This line opens the file payroll.dat
<em> ("payroll.dat");
This is where the exact instruction in the question is done. This writes the value of salary to payroll.dat
<em>myfile <<salary;
This closes the opened file
<em />
<em />
Direct traffics.
This channel refers to those traffics that came directly and without any via.
3. ¿Qué mensaje recupera Bob después del descifrado? Mostrar como caracteres hexadecimales.
Respuesta: la clave con el mensaje :