Follows are the method definition to this question:
void printArray(int arrayToPrint[], int arraySize) //defining a method printArray that accepts two array in its parameters
for (int j = 0; j < arraySize; j++)//defining for loop print Serial numbers
Serial.print("[");//use print method to print square bracket
Serial.print(j);//use print method to print Serial numbers
Serial.print("]: ");//use print method to print square bracket
Serial.println(arrayToPrint[j]);//printing array value
In the above code, a method "printArray" is declared that holds two arrays "arrayToPrint and arraySize" as a parameter, and inside the method is used for loop to print the values.
In the loop, first, it uses the square bracket to print the serial number and in the last step, it prints array values.
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language and is the basic structural element that is used to create webpages. HTML is a markup language, which means that it is used to “mark up” the content within a document, in this case a webpage, with structural and semantic information that tells a browser how to display a page. When an HTML document is loaded by a web browser, the browser uses the HTML tags that have marked up the document to render the page’s content.
There are three types of code that make up a basic website page. HTML governs the structural elements, CSS styles those elements, and JavaScript enables dynamic interaction between those elements.
Windows\System32\drivers folder.
Eric operates on such a computer which has some failure on system's driver. Although the specific system may not be operational, he will locate the system driver title. Inappropriately he has no Connectivity to the internet.
Windows\System32\drivers directory could move to him to show the file of the system driver. Thus, the following answer is correct according to the given scenario.