Date Description Dr. Cr.
Dec 31 Sales discounts $200
Allowance for sales discounts $200
Expected sales discounts. $10,000 × 2% = $200
As the discount is expected and according to the accrual accounting concept the expenses accrued or expected to incurred should be recorded in the period in which revenue of that expense is recorded. Discount of 2% is expected to be availed by the customer amounting sales of $10,000. and it will be availed after year end as discount period will end after year end.
b. Use the reasons-before-refusal plan.
a. Keep the refusal respectful, sensitive, and upbeat.
b. Disclose all reasons for the refusal.
d. Provide alternatives that encourage the customer to continue business with you.
- In the first case, the best strategy to adopt is that of presenting the "reasons-before-refusal" plan. This means that before conveying a negative message to the client, you explain the reasons of why this message necessarily has to be like that. By reading the reasons first, the customer will be more likely to agree with your assessment of the situation.
- In the second example, these are all strategies that you can use to ensure that the letter you are writing is kind and appropriate. In this letter, it is important to be respectful, sensitive and upbeat in order for the customer to know that you are taking his claim seriously. Moreover, you should be able to disclose all the reasons for the refusal so that the person is well-informed of the situation. Finally, you should be able to provide alternatives to the customer, as this might allow him to continue having business with you.
1) Mining
2) Ranching
3) Commercial Farming
The miners who comes mostly from California and other areas fulfilled the demand for gold and silver in the East. They also contributed in extracting other minerals i.e. copper, zinc, iron ore, lead, and quartz, which were great for the industrial use.
The sheep and cattle ranchers played an important role too i.e. that they produced wool, meat, and leather to satisfy the demands of eastern manufacturers and the consumers.
The farmers contributed by making farming commercial. They sold their crops in home town and internationally which helped the economy to improve.
They should've put in <span>security incident procedures.</span>
Consumers should not buy from companies that don't source materials
Companies should never have an excuse for not sourcing for their materials responsively and responsibly. They owe an ethical responsibility as well as a duty to offer their customers qualitative products at the best price and that is most sustainable to the environment.In recent times, through the widespread use of social media and the instrument of investigative journalism, it has been able to bring to the surface, the less than responsible activities of many companies in sourcing for their interest of the public and the environment.The 2006 movie "Blood Diamond" shows an avid description of how diamonds are mined and traded in the war-torn country of Sierra Leonne depicting the violation of Human and Child rights and how is excessively enriched diamond suppliers and companies.It is clear that many companies despite the public outcry for transparency in revealing their supply chain in sourcing for their materials still chose unorthodox practices. It therefore, falls on the consumers to spend their money responsibly and make smart and credible choices with their finances by refusing to buy from companies that are not transparent with their source materials.Consumers are the life-wire of any business and the hope of any business survival rests majorly on consumer satisfaction. Researches have shown that companies are no being accountable with the natural resources are utilized and have been used to cause serious harm to people and the environment. Since the companies manage to evade adequate regulations and responsibilities, it falls on the consumers to ensure that their money serves them to the greatest value.