This question is actually harder to answer than it may appear. Some states have scrapped their old constitutions and written new ones. I've only included the ones that have stuck with their original constitutions. Here are those.
Alabama 905
California 511
Louisiana 300
Texas 495
The development of railroads allowed people to travel to Florida more easily from northern states during cold winter months, so that they could enjoy the warm weather. As a consequence, tourism industry expanded in Florida, which caused an increasing rate employment in the area, especially in the hotel business.
hey mate this is your answer
this is the main advantage of anthropology.
To obtain a deeper and more experienced insight of the activities performed in a society ,how people think and it also allows them to gain a good over veiw of how and why a society functions.
- information is accurate
- it enables historians. to determine the cultural past of a community
- information is easily obtain from the surrounding
- it compliments other sources.