Gastrin: stomach,
Insulin- pancreas,
Glucagon-pancreas. etc</h2>
1. Gastrin: secreted by stomach stimulating activity of the stomach
2. CCK: secreted by SI stimulating secretion of pancreatic enzymes; contraction of gallbladder and pyloric sphincter and inhibitory effects on stomach
3. Secretin: secreted by SI if material entering SI is acidic, triggering secretion of HCO₃-
4. Insulin: produced by beta-cells of pancreas and
stimulates storage of glucose in liver and muscle and it causes re-uptake of glucose when blood-sugar is high, lowering blood sugar
5. Glucagon- produced by alpha-cells of pancreas and
it stimulates release of glucose from liver when blood-sugar is low, and results in raising blood sugar.
<h3>1.The correct answer is:</h3><h3>b.earthquake</h3><h3>Explanation:</h3>
An earthquake is created by tectonic plates becoming united and placing a force on the ground. The tension grows so great that rocks give way by cutting and driving along fault extensions.
<h3>2.The correct answer is:</h3><h3>These mountains likely formed from compression.</h3><h3>Explanation:</h3>
Mountain embodiment relates to the geological methods that hold the extension of mountains. Various aerial enduring continental margins various reasonable share the identical mechanism of uplift. where folding is created by horizontal compression operating on a thin to the thick crust development zone .
<h3>3.The correct answer is:</h3><h3>formed when crust pulled apart
formed at a divergent boundary
formed when tectonic plates separated </h3><h3>Explanation:</h3>
The Rift Valley was created by powerful subterranean oppression that ripped aside the earth's crust. These powers prompted huge parts of the crust to decline between parallel lapse lines and drive up the molten stone in volcanic explosions.
<h3>4.The correct answer is:</h3><h3>expanding gases</h3><h3>Explanation:</h3>
As they rise, gas particles in the magma arise out of suspension and make bubbles and as the bubbles rise they expand. Eventually, the pressure from these bubbles is greater than the enclosing solid rock and this neighboring rock fissures, letting the magma to get to surface.
A nissen fundoplication, or laparoscopic nissen fundoplication when performed via laparoscopic surgery, is a surgical procedure to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease and hiatal hernia.