After deliberating for three hours and forty-three minutes, an all-white jury acquitted King of perjury for signing a false state income tax return. A news report indicated that King seemed “stunned” by the verdict, while his parents “collapsed in tears.” While outside the Montgomery courtroom, King delivers this statement to the press. This transcript was drawn from televison
I'm not sure if some kind of passage is supposed to come along with this, but aubergine can describe eggplants. Aubergine is a dark purple hue like that of an eggplant as well.
The answer is "because it shares the officer's feelings".
In this question except the above choice, all were correct, that can be defined as follows:
A Nobel prize writer of novels, articles, stories, songs, and reports, Phillip Hoose was its author. Although he very first wrote for adults, and while talking about Claudette Colvin in "It's My Constitutional Right!" he also includes a case file, that provides a true account, and looks legitimate in the book, and it also demonstrates that perhaps the story becomes fictional.
Is this a question for school? orrrr
Strange but here goes
1. a. Strange and creepy
b. Pictorial
2. a. Agriculture: farming to be specific
b. Um, they needed more money or they had cruel leaders
3. a. It was made worse because the only money used for food was now in the additional task
4. a. It was is vain is the exact expression on my face after typing this and it does not help so i just wasted my time or for you, after this test, posting it as a question on was a big waste of time
5. a. The blond feeble brat staring at an object on the floor
b. Please tell your teacher or who ever set this test to go see a doctor and if you set the test, then this is awkward
Love you!
Hope it helps