The house fly develops in four stages: egg, larva, pupal, and adult.
The direct conversion of mesenchymal tissue into bone is called i<u><em>ntramembranous ossification</em></u> .The process by which a cartilage intermediate is formed and replaced by bone cells is called <em>endochondral osssification.</em>
Intramembranous ossification is one of the two essential process during the fetal development of the gnathosome skeltal system by which rudimentary bone tissue is created. It is the process of bone development from fibrous membranes. It is involved in the formation of the flat bones of the skull, mandible and the clavicle. This type of ossification also helps in healing of bone fractures.
Endochondral Osssification: Method of forming a bone through cartilage intermediate. It is also involved in the formation of long bones.
Consuming tuna from a dented, bulging can. (Ans. C)
Botulism is a rare poison, and caused by a toxin which is known as clostridium botulinum. Botulinum requires emergency medical care because sometimes it can be fatal. It can spread through contaminated water, food, and by touching the surface area which is contaminated.
Symptoms of botulism includes:
1) Difficulties in speaking, and facial weakness.
2) Pain in the abdomen area.
3) Weak eye muscles.
4) Feeling dizziness.
5) Double vision or blurred vision.
Answer: atmospheric, carbon dioxide
Global climatic change is directly linked with the changes in the atmospheric conditions, this is because of increase in the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Atmosphere is the distinct layer of gases in the planet earth. Atmosphere regulates climatic change in a region. Carbon dioxide is a hot and harmful gas affects the quality of respirable air, and increasing the temperature of global climate.
blue striped silver salmon.