1) —— I’m going to leave this classroom
2)——I will by a McDonald’s
3)——I won’t be going for a run
4)——I want to run a marathon
5)—— I’m going to run
6)——I will tell them I love them
7)—— I will get another
8)—— I’m going to chill
9)——I will watch tv
10)—— I will do my very best
11)—— I will try me best to focus
12)—— I will be extremely happy
13)—— I will get another for assurance that I won’t be without a job
14)—— I will think about how it will effect my life schedule
15)—— I shall relax
16)—- I will get myself a tan
17)—— I will keep practicing
18)—— I will have a short break then continue with it afterwards
19)—— I will go to sleep earlier tonight