I'm Pretty Sure He Means might as well get it done now than just keep on complaining about it
Explanation:But I've never read the book
Your answer is C. I can't really give much of a explanation for this one sorry. But I do hope this helps you.
Based on these definitions I searched, I would go with aspersion since the guy's reputation would fall.
aspersion: an attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something.
abnegation: the act of renouncing or rejecting something.
approbation: approval or praise.
aberration: a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome.
arrogation: to claim or seize without justification
The Answer is: It is their only way out.
"Yes," replied the Professor, looking at me calmly from under his spectacles, "it is the only chance which remains to us of ever escaping from the interior of the earth to the light of day."
C. They feared the radicals who had taken power in France during the revolution