Trafficking Victims. Human trafficking, a grave human rights violation, refers to the sale of adults and children into both commercial sexual servitude and forced or bonded labor.
Bellerophon used bow and arrows to kill Chimera !
Five examples of questions:
Dost thou know who made thee? (from "The Lamb")
Little Lamb who made thee? (from "The Lamb")
What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry? (From "The Tyger")
In what distant deeps or skies,/ Burnt the fire of thine eyes? (from "The Tyger")
On what wings dare he aspire?/ What the hand, dare seize the fire? (from "The Tyger")
The tone of "The Lamb" is quiet. It asks the questions in a polite and gentle way. It is beautiful and innicent. On the opposite side, "The Tyger" has a tone full of fear and force.
I agree
Everybody wants to change the world, but they never intend to start because changing the world requires changing our lives.
The correct answer is b.) state the evidence