According to my knowledge this is the answer:
Rule of law is one of the most important pillar of Constitution.
Rule of Law is something which opposes common man's rule and supports Government's rule. This is actually necessary for maintaining peace and stability in democratic countries like India.
The Correct answer is B.
A Producer in an Insurance Company is a Consultant to members of the public in need of Insurance. A Producer is a professional Insurer/Agent who goes to markets and brokers to trade for the insured.
One of the duties of a producer is to ensure that he acts in fiduciary when handling premiums and applications for the insured. Other duties include; to monitor the increase in sales on behalf of existing clients, a Producer should be innovative by bring up new strategies to improve its clientele etc.
Fiduciary mean to " act in good faith". A Producer should always act in good faith by representing the interest of the insured at all times and to carefully monitor insurance policies.
The British wanted to control South Africa because it was one of the trade routes to India
Being cheap in front of superiors it is very common in local managers. Mostly managers who are greedy to be ranked higher or get promoted. They think when they will obsequious their higher authorities they will be happy to see them and think about their loyalty and they will promote them.
To avoid this kind of behavior companies should appoint only educated and talented persons having self-respect after taking interviews. When a company recruits the managers, it is company duty to train their employees in professional ethics and teach them a proper way of doing a job with self-respect. Higher authorities should demoralize them with this kind of soapy behaviors.
Confucius and Taoism were coexisted in Chinese society for a long time. while advocated religious philosophies people tend to think them as same but there are crucial differences. while Confucius has entrusted the task of social issues, Taoism lays more stress on individual unfolding the meaning of life. Both religions have a vital role to play in Chinese society.