1. Spanish and Indian descent -- mestizo
2. Spanish province in New World
3. his ship was first to sail around the world -- Magellan
4. defeated Incas
-- Pizarro
5. conquered Aztecs
-- Cortes
6. first permanent French settlement in New World -- Quebec
7. palace of Louis XIV -- Versailles
8. English translation of the Bible -- James I
9. an English explorer -- Sir Francis Drake
i feel that it is legitimate because we do have a poverty issue we people who already live here and it would not be right if we added people that were only going to add to that issue. If said immigrants can sustain themselves and their families financially and/or have a job skill that we are lacking than we should let them in for the over all wellness of our country
Protestant Reformation was a religious, intellectual, political and cultural change that split Catholic domination in Europe.
Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Henry were among the influential reformers, a reformation that triggered wars, persecutions and, counter-reformations.
The Catholic church excommunicated Martin Luther and burnt the selling of indulgences.