Teach them,educate them,and also read to them about the culture and the area
As equações diferenciais lineares de primeira ordem possuem muitas aplicações e é uma das primeiras classes de equações abordadas nos cursos de EDO. A forma mais geral de uma equação diferencial ordinária, linear e de primeira ordem é
{\displaystyle y'+p(x)y=q(x)}, onde
{\displaystyle p} e
q são funções contínuas em um intervalo I.[1]
The correct answer would be option C, Property Damage Liability.
Property Damage Liability of Hermione's automobile insurance policy would cover the damage to her friend's care.
If a person has automobile insurance coverage and is driving his friend's car, he gets into an accident and he is at fault, then his insurance coverage will pay the Property Damage Liability.
Property Damage Liability will help you to pay for the repair, caused by the damage due to your fault or mistake. If you cause damage to someone property or vehicle, then this part of the insurance will cover the damage repairs for you.
For example you are driving your friend's car and due to your fault, you get into an accident and the front of the car gets damaged, then Property Damage Liability will pay for the repair of the front of that car of your friend.
Learn more about insurance policies at:
The answer is C. The depopulation of the Americas, the overall effect was a decreased population growth worldwide.
Americans had never had diseases like smallpox, measles, whooping cough, among others, for that reason, they did not have defenses against them, when there was the interchange with the Europeans, there were a lot of deaths, which caused a big decreased in the population and in world general, because native people could not fight with those diseases.