They are ectotherms.
hope it is helpful to you
Multiply 5730 years by 2 since two half-lives have gone by for carbon.
The half-life of a radioactive isotope depicts the measure of time that it takes half of the isotope in an example decay. On account of radiocarbon dating, the half-existence of carbon 14 is 5,730 years
The half-life of carbon-14 is 5730 years.
In this manner, after
1 half-life there is 50 % = 1/2 of the first amount left.
2 half-lives there is 25 % = 1/4 of the first amount left.
25% is two half-lives.
Every 50% of life requires 5730 years.
So two half-lives require 2 × 5730
The correct answer is a eukaryotic cell. The eukaryotic cell is a bacteria cell that has the same structure as more complex cells. Eukaryotic cells have many structures that help to maintain homeostasis and also to provide energy for the protein synthesis.
Try looking this up through quizlet! i found one called “plant responses “ that may help you
Does the specimen have spots on its body?
Does the specimen have more than three gills?
Does the specimen often eat shrimp instead of other fish?
those are the answeres exept the last one