Answer:write timeline with four events from 1st to last using as much information as possible ......and remember to write your name at the top of the page
B decrease
This occurs due to the economic insufficiency to catch up with the consumers demand rate thereby causing the decrease
Neutral stimulus
The neutral stimulus is a neutral stimulus. The neutral stimulus does not respond to an automatic response. In the classical experiment, there is a neutral stimulus that changes into the conditional response.
For instance when Puja called her friend there was ringing a caller tune that Puja does not like so much but her friend like it when same ring tone play on radio then Puja had not strong reaction about the ring tone but Puja friend like it so much so ring tone is neutral here for Puja because it does not elicit any strong emotions for that ring tone for Puja.
d. Giving too much influence to the wealthy.
Super PACs are a type of Political Action Committees, and PACs represent pools of campaing contributions and donates that money to the political candidates, in an United States elections. They channel funds for or against a candidate or a legislation.
Super PACs are officially known as independent-expenditure only committees, established in 2012. They engage in an unlimited political spending and are not tied to any political campaign. They can raise money from either individuals or corporations, and there are no legal limits on donation size. In that way, wealthy people can influence the outcome of the elections by spending unlimited amount of money for the support of their desired candidate.