The meaning of life is to fulfill your purpose and accomplish your goals. For me that is to wright music and succeed in it. For my mom it is to do things for other people. But I often wonder why life exist. There would be no meaining to life if no one was alive. There would be no fealings. No hate and no love.
Your answer is C. agreed to by Congress in 1777; ratified in 1781
An endowment fund is an investment fund established by a foundation that makes consistent withdrawals from invested capital.
at the highest point in the city
It was built in the highest point usually a nearby hill or mound as this would provide the city state with an escape route that can be seen throughout the city.
the primary cause of the Pueblo Revolt was probably the attempt by the Spanish to destroy the religion of the Puebloans, banning traditional dances and religious icons such as these kachina dolls.