The value of a share of KTI's stock today is closest to 9.5% , 0.004375
Investment Investment (ROI) is an investment performance metric used to evaluate or compare the success of a variety of investment operations.
In addition to the spending price, ROI aims to explicitly calculate the make value of a single project.
g = retention rate
ROI = 0.75*13% = 9.5%,
Price = 1.75/(0.10-0.0975) = 0.004375
The answer to this question is <span>concurrent control
Concurrent control refers to the type of control by management in order to make sure that all employees are meeting the required regulations and standard.
This type of control is used to make sure that employees will always meet company's expectation so the company could realize all of its planned goals.
a) If bribes cost $1,000 each, how much will a housing inspector make each year in bribes?
So, if the corrupt inspector approves two newly built structures each week, ti means that he is bribed twice per week. There are 52 weeks in a year, so he gets a total of 104 bribes (52 x 2). If each bribe costs $1,000, then he makes a total of: $1,000 x 104 = $104,000 in bribes per year.
c) Corrupt officials may have an incentive to reduce the provision of government services to help line their own pockets.
This statement is true. Corrupt officials will want to have private companies they can obtain bribes from provide government services. It increases the probability of them making money from bribes.
d) What if reducing the number of inspectors from 20 to 10 only increased the equilibrium bribe from $1,000 to $1,500?
Reducing the number of inspectors in hafl means that each inspector now gets twice the bribes. Because the equilibrium price did not double as did the quantity of bribes, each inspector will make less money than expected, but they will still the incentive to collect all the four bribes per week.
Bluetooth water bottle that is waterproof, scented nail polish, Bluetooth earrings, floating/hovering backpack, voice command journals/note books that listen to speech and apply the words onto itself, and a shirt that changes color to perfectly adjusts itself to look good on you no matter what your undertone is.
Need any more ideas?
Frequently lacks effective communication channels across departments. Communication between departments can be an issue in this structure.