When a lender checks the credit score of Jason for an auto loan, they would most likely notice that <u>b. He </u><u>paid off </u><u>a</u><u> car loan </u><u>after making</u><u> every payment</u><u> for 4 years. </u>
Lenders checking credit scores:
- Usually pay more attention to related loans
- Only bother with the credit score of the person in question not their relatives
The loan is for a car or an automobile of some sort so the lender will be looking for related loans in Jason's history. They will therefore most likely notice the car loan that was paid off.
In conclusion, a lender for an auto loan will most likely notice an auto loan history.
Options for this question include:
a. His savings account has more than $3000 in it
b. He paid off a car loan after making every payment for 4 years
c. When he stopped paying his credit card for 3 months 9 years ago
d. The credit scores of his family, including his parents and his wife if he is married
<em>Find out more at brainly.com/question/14805575. </em>