As the paintings, this baroque art movement was EXTREMELY ornate with fabulous flourishes colored in lavish gold, really anything to show their wealth.
The story "Two Kinds" , revolves around a strict relationship between a mother and daughter. The mother tries very hard to make sure her daughter Jing Mei , is successful in life and lives up to her full potential. The story explores alot of different themes. Though , there is one theme that really stands out. You cant force someone to be something that their not.
Jing Mei's mother was an immagrant from China. She moved to the United States to give her daughter , Jing Mei , a better and successful life for her. And being raised in China with their strict rules and striving to be perfect took a toll on her and her daughters relationship. She pressures her daughter to be great and perfect all the time but it gets really hard for her to live up to her mothers standards. Her mother believes that Jing Mei can be a child prodigy and prepares her to be and act like one. Furthermore , the story ends with Jing Mei getting everything off her chest and seeing the dissappointment in her mothers eyes as she finds out her daughter has not lived up to her full potential. And her mother has finally gained an understanding of her daughter.
1: I like Classical, and Romantic styles. I like the classical style because of the way mozart and haydn made their music. Grand, kind of shallow in terms of emotion, and the abundance of it being played in G major xD. I like the romantic style because of the emotion. The use of dissonance and chromatic movements.
2: Modern technology has lead to things like smooth jazz, vaporwave, and EDM. Jazz originated from people changing the parts of marching music. MOdern technology is doing the same things, but using computers and electronic sounds, leading to a larger variety of music. Modern technology will affect music inv the future the same way it has already.
I think that the answer is D because it's the only right sounding answer.