<span>In all the research I was able to cover on this topic the only answer to emerge was Oracle bones. These were normally bones taken from oxen or turtles, and were used for a particular type of divination. Namely, the prediction of future events based upon the answers they could divine from the Gods based upon the actions of the bones.</span>
molasses act
a British law that imposed a tax on molasses, sugar, and rum imported from non-British foreign colonies into the North American colonies.
Estos avances tecnológicos hicieron que el aprendizaje fuera más divertido y conveniente. Otra forma en que la tecnología ha impactado a la sociedad es a través de la comunicación, cómo hablamos y nos comunicamos entre nosotros en todo el mundo. ... Por último, los avances tecnológicos que se realizaron dentro de la industria de la salud han ayudado a mantener a las personas seguras y saludables.
becuase they wanted to
sorry i'm trying to get point so i can give them away delete me