I would say the poem's mood is positive. He says he has tried several times to kill himself but no matter what he does he decides to make an excuse and not go with it. Stating no matter how bad things get he will go on living, because that's why he was born. That's why everyone was born, to live.
As a high schooler myself I would personally ask what classes should you take first because obviously you would want to get your core classes out of the way and then take your electives after because for some schools or it may be all schools you can graduate early if you get all your core classes done. I would also ask which classes are the hardest.
Which 3 headings would best fit paragraph 2?
B ,C, or F
~Hope this answers your question!~
Because when you have a tone that could be a type a mood that you are in.
The irony of the poem is that Ozymandias claims to have done many great works and boasts of his might yet he lies in the middle of a desert, broken with nothing to support his claim of his deeds