Art is any subjective representation of the world, according to the artist's gaze, who represents it according to his own perceptions, trying to give his representation an aesthetic sense. There are various forms of art, such as painting, music, photography, cinema, etc.
Two forms of art that surprise me because they are considered as such are photography and architecture. In photography, the artist does not create or represent a work, but simply captures a certain image that he has not modified; and architecture because the architect performs his work for a technical purpose, and only then for aesthetics.
You should draw nezuko from demon slayer!
She expresses her continued anger toward him. hope this helps!
By comparing self-reported characteristics of these experiences, this study found that compared to listening to music, looking at painting was associated with increased frequency of wonder and decreased frequencies of joyful activation and power. In addition to increased vitality, as reflected by the latter two emotions, listening to music was also more frequently associated with emotions such as tenderness, nostalgia, peacefulness, and sadness. Compared to painting-related emotions, music-related emotions were perceived as more similar to emotions in other everyday life situations. :)
/oh no don't fail practice practice , makes perfect