This command opens the file which is passed to it as an argument. We are quite used to the C++'s cin and cout functions contained in iostream library for reading and writing data, however, when working will real-life stuff, we find ourselves working with huge data saved as separate files and require our programs to read them, manipulate them and possibly write back to the files... The first operation usually carried out before a file can be read or written to is open
True. Mobile devices need to work within limited screen space. Mobile devices are designed to be portable and designed to be carried around without hassle. Mobile devices are used for personal activities such as talking privately, chatting and many more that is why it is designed to be small.
You can enter a URL that (B) Uses localhost as the domain name
Localhost refers to your computer or the computer that is currently in use.
To run a PHP application that is deployed on your computer, the localhost (which has an IP address of is used.
The IP address is called a "loopback" address because all data sent or received revolve around the local computer.
Fiber-optic cable
Before the cable industry transitioned to fiber-optic cables, for many years, the standard cables used for telephone, cable, and internet communications were coaxial cables. The transition was made possible because the architecture of the fiber-optic cable came with a higher capacity, more extensive bandwidth link. Unlike the coaxial or the twisted pair cable, the fiber-optic is made from glass strands that transmit light signals much quicker and to greater distances. This makes fiber-optic cables the fastest high capacity data transfer link than any other cables to ever exist.
Override only
Reason because the same method speak is in the parent and child class