branless me please if i am wrong
John Wycliffe - He contradicted all forms of riches among clergy. He had disdain for ministers, and he believed that all devout specialist sprang from the Book of scriptures.
Jan Hus - He was irritated by its impedances with common politics.
Desiderius Erasmus - He made a complaint of the deal of Liberalities.
Martin Luther - That the pope was the main mediatopr of God’s will rather than the book of scriptures, and that he nailed to the entryway of the Wittenberg church; the act that begun the Reformation.
Please correct any mistakes in my answer!! I'd be happy to fix it!! :)
Operation Rolling Thunder was a sustained bombing campaign against North Vietnam. This was a campaign run by the troops of the United States and the Republic of Vietnam forces (South Vietnam) and took place from 2nd of March 1965 until 2nd of November 1968. There were several reasons for the operation including stopping the flow of North Vietnamese commodities and men into the South, bombing North Vietnam's transportation system and to boost South Vietnam's morale.
umm.. i cant download the pdf.. I will try to dawnload it in another page.. brb