It helps improve their credit history and it helps them be able to get one in the future without the hastle.
The reason why it would help their credit history is becasue if they dont intend on using it then they wont be spending money that they dont have so then they wont have to pay it off every month. And getting a creditcard in the first place is pretty difficult becasue they always look at your credit score or history and most of the time when somone applies for a crditcard they dont have a creditscore or history.
vehicle condition
if the brakes on a car are all messed up it'll make stopping alot harder.
Joe Biden
Dont like Donald trump!!!
Ans: Sir Robert Peel, the British Home Secretary, coined the term 'bobbies' as a nickname for cops and he believed policing needed to be restructured. In 1829 he passed the Metropolitan Police Act, which created the first British police force and what the 21st century knows for today's modern-day police.