A catalog entry of writing under its author's name, most of the time, with the surname placed first.
I believe is for both the speakers and readers experience because most poems use the speaker’s experiences to make readers relate to the poem
Love and belonging are the needs that are being met in a healthy friendship or relationship. Each of us seek to feel worthy of another's approval, acceptance, and love. The need to belong in society, in our peer groups, and in personal relationships is a really critical part of our development.
When Manual talks about his granny, he tells us a story about an insane old woman. His grandmother was a vivacious and cheery old woman. She had spent her days cooking amuse the troops of the government that were stationed around the Golden Bridge.
As for why she is insane This part of the text justifies it: <em>"She was crazy," Manual insisted, "because she only charged them for the cost of the food she cooked, and she didn't earn a penny for all that work.“</em>
So, to Manual, making food for the troops was crazy because she didn't earn any money from doing so. This part of the text most likely tell us more about the narrator than about Granny.
1)Montressor and Fortunato are wearing costumes because it is carnival time.
2)One reason Montressor is wearing a costume is to be sure no one recognizes him when he is walking back to his house with Fortunato.
3)Fortunato was a competitive person because he got jealous when he thought Luchesi was going to taste the Amontillado.
4)Montressor leads Fortunato down into catacombs where many people were buried.
5)Montressor and Fortunato were down in the catacombs until midnight.
6)Montressor was upset because Fortunato had seriously offended him and wanted revenge.
7)No one ever found Fortunato, who Montressor buried alive down in the catacombs.
8)Montressor kept giving Fortunato wine because he knew he could not resist it and wanted Fortunato to keep following him.
This is the answer for your question.