The American society is composed of an ethnical mix, with members of many nations which blend into one unique American identity, while keeping their authenticity. This authenticity can be seen clearly in the cultural diversity. Just like any other identity, American is fluid over time. It changes and alters, in accordance with societal changes. Identities are not carved in stone. While we have every right to actively participate in the process of fashioning our identities, they still have a relative autonomy, and change over time. For example, if I am an Italian immigrant who lives in the U.S., I still have every right to claim my Italian cultural inheritance, but it doesn't make me less of an American. By living in America, I am adopting new cultural traits. My children will have their own perception of their cultural identity that doesn't have to be the same as mine.
Visiting an American poet in Normandy, Smith finds herself in the beach where the landing took place. "She showed me Juno Beach, the cliffs in which the snipers crouched, the maze-like hedgerows that proved so lethal, and finally the American cemetery." This event makes her want to investigate her father's experience in World War II.
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