“Government must assume greater responsibility for helping the unfortunate”
If you are asking due to the 15-1600s, then it's because the women back then were considered "unlawful" or "unacceptable" when they realized that they didn't have to be thrown around by the men. Women also did "witch-like" things such as warts, and long nails.
The renaissance?
This is a guess.. I'm pretty sure it lead to the Enlightenment... so i think this was what was before...
Pedro Álvares Cabral
O Brasil foi oficialmente "descoberto" em 1500, quando uma frota comandada pelo diplomata português Pedro Álvares Cabral, a caminho da Índia, desembarcou em Porto Seguro, entre Salvador e Rio de Janeiro. (Há, no entanto, fortes evidências de que outros aventureiros portugueses o precederam.
I hope this helps