After looking at the above diagram given, Enzymes are the molecules that were used to cut, copy, and to connect the DNA segments. The correct answer is 2. Make sure to check the number choices, they are out of order on this particular question.
Thermal energy also known as “heat energy” comes from a substance whose molecules and atoms are vibrating faster due to a rise in temperature.
Combustion is the burning of a substance. It could be complete or could be incomplete. It changes the form of carbon and so it plays it's role in cycle
(a) crossing over: Meiosis I, Recombination
(b) chromatids separate at their centromeres and migrate to opposite poles: Meiosis II, Anaphase II
(c) chromosomes become aligned in pairs at the equator: Meiosis II, Metaphase II
Homologous recombination is a type of genetic recombination that occurs during meiosis (formation of ovum and sperm cells). The paired chromosomes of the male and female parents are aligned so that similar DNA sequences intersect. This crossing over produces an exchange of genetic material, which is an important cause of the genetic variability observed in the offspring.
Meiosis II: Anaphase II. The centromeres separate and the daughter chromatids - now individual chromosomes - move to the opposite poles of the cell. The centromeres separate, and the two chromatids of each chromosome move toward the opposite poles in the spindle.
Meiosis II: Metaphase II. Chromosomes are accommodated in the equatorial plate of metaphase, similar to what happens in mitosis. They are attached to the already fully formed meiotic spindle. Each chromosome is aligned in the equatorial plate of the metaphase, as it happens in mitosis.
Winds blowing from the ocean
Winds blowing from the ocean contain water vapor making the air more humid, and they also contain the heat which the water contains due to water's properties of having a steady temperature and high specific heat capacity.