The above QBasic code
The output
The iteration on the third line is repeated 5 times; i.e. for values of j from 1 to 5.
In each iteration, the value of N is printed and the next value is calculated.
Initially, the value of N is 1 ---- on line 2
So, 1 is printed first. The next value of N is as follows:
--- we keep replacing N (on the right-hand side) with current N value.
So, we have:
You can use it when like confirming a policy
Okay then that’s pretty cool
A - 2
B - 3
C - 5
D - 4
E - 1
A. Virtual private network : 2
This is very useful when you have to work from home or visiting a client and need access to files/applications just like if you were at the office.
B. Email : 3
Yes, this is basically why the Internet was created in the first place.
C. Social networking sites : 5
Social networks are indeed a great marketing tool, allowing to target potential customers very precisely.
D. Search engines : 4
Yes, to find information about new products for the company, how the competitors are doing and so on.
E. Video and web conferencing: 1
Another great tool for employees working from home for example, or for employees located in an office at the other side of the country.