ICT is the abbreviated form of Information and Communication. It included different technologies like mobile phones, computers, USBs etc.
Following are two precautionary measures which should be observed when using any kind of ICT:
- Use of Antivirus: It can used to protect anything placed inside the technology especially from hacking and viruses which can create many issues.
- Backup Data: Creating a backup of the data stored in the device is important as it can be recalled when the device malfunctions. Backup of the data can be created through using USBs, CDs etc or through cloud storage
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string email,username,host;//strings to store email,username,hostname..
cout<<"Enter the email address "<<endl;
cin>>email;//taking input of email address..
bool flag=1;
for(int i=0;i<email.length();i++)//iterating over the string email..
if(email[i]=='@')//if @ symbol is encountered make flag 0 skip this iteration.
if(flag==1)//add to username if flag is 1.
else//add tom host..
cout<<"The username is "<<username<<endl<<"The host name is "<<host;//printing the username and hostname..
return 0;
I have taken three strings to store the email address entered by user ,username and host to store username and host name respectively.Then I am iterating over the string email if @ is encountered then skip that iteration before that keep adding characters to username string and after that keep adding characters to host.
It allows for more accurate sizing of networks.
From DRAM to DDR4
RAM stands for <em>Random Access Memory.</em> In 1968, Mr. Robert Dennard at IBM's Watson Research obtained the patent for the one-transistor cell that will eventually substitute the old magnetic core memory allocated in computers of the time. By 1969 Intel released the TTL bipolar 64-bit SRAM (Static Random-Access Memory) as well as the ROM "Read Only Memory"; also in 1969 it evolved into "<em>Phase - change memory - PRAM - </em>". However this evolution was not commercialized, Samsung expressed its interest in developing it. In 1970 the first DRAM product was commercially available; it was developed by Intel. In 1971 it was patented EPROM; in 1978 George Perlegos developed EEPROM.
By 1983 a nice breakthrough happened with the invention of SIMM by Wang Labs. In 1993 Samsung came up with KM48SL2000 synchronous DRAM (SDRAM), this variation soon turned into an inductry standard.
In 1996 DDR began a revolution in the memory sector, then in 1999 RDRAM. Both DDR2 SDRAM. DDRR3 and XDR DRAM were commercialized. Finally in 2007 and 2014 the developments of DDR3 and DDR4 were available for the general public.
The second one, it should be the one that is opening left with a line underneath, the images are unclear but that’s the most likely correct answer !