The correct answer is E.
void change(int ar[], int low, inthigh) {
int temp;
if(low< high) { <em>// here ask if the positions low and high of the array are the same.</em>
temp= ar[low]; <em>// first, saves the element on ar[low] in temp.</em>
ar[low]= ar[high]; <em>// second, the element on ar[high] in ar[low]. First switch.</em>
ar[high]= temp; <em>// third, saves the element on temp in ar[high]. Complete switch.</em>
change(ar,low + 1, high - 1); <em>// Recursive call, adding one position to low, and subtracting one position to high. </em><em>Important: </em><em>When low and high have the same value, the recursive call will finish.</em>
Result: Switch the lower half of elements in the array with the upper half.
The answer is Hub
A hub, also called a network hub, is a common connection point for devices in a network. Hubs are devices commonly used to connect segments of a LAN. The hub contains multiple ports. When a packet arrives at one port, it is copied to the other ports so that all segments of the LAN can see all packets.
All are True
a. A constructor must have the same name as that of a class. For example
public class MyFirstClass{ // this is the class name
public MyFirstClass() } // the constructor having the same name as class.
b. Constructors never have a return type not even void because it is only used to initialize the values of data members of the class when the object of the class is created so constructors are not directly called hence they do not need to have a return type.
c. Constructors are invoked using the new operator.
When the new object is created the constructor is invoked in order to initialize the variables of a class. The memory is allocated to the object and then the constructive is invoked for the purpose to initialize the object.
ok done we will try
BTW have a nice day enjoy your day Stay blessed stay happy stay strong