Thinking about how things connect with each other in a system
Simile - a kind of description. A simile compares two things so that the thing described is understood more vividly, eg 'The water was as smooth as glass. A simile can create a vivid image in the reader's mind, helping to engage and absorb them.Generally, a writer uses similes to enable the reader to imagine in his mind what the writer is saying. This is why a writer compares one thing to another with which the reader is familiar. The speaker compares his love to a red rose that has just bloomed.Writers often use similes to introduce concrete images (like boxes of chocolates) into writing about abstract concepts (like life). Readers are more explicitly aware of the direct comparison that's being made with a simile compared to a metaphor, which is often more poetic and subtle.
hope it helps ya :-)
Pneumonia - respiratory system (affects the lungs)
Endometriosis - reproductive system (affects the uterine lining)
Fibromyalgia - muscular system (affects muscles, tendons and ligaments)
Dermatitis - integumentary system (affects the skin)
In the 1830s, the philosophy of Transcendentalism arose in New England. Some of its most famous adherents, including Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, are still regarded as leading American thinkers today.
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