A semicolon continues the story. For example; I could have just stopped and said one setence but I continued on by putting a semicolon since there was more to tell.
See explanation
Artificial intelligence (AI) is wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence(built in).
A major advantages of using cloud-based Artificial intelligence is, artificial intelligence apps quickly help the user to discover the important and relevant details when big data is being processed. This offers businesses with outstanding insights opportunities that can help secure an advantage in the marketplaces.
First get there attention.Ask them if they ever had the same feeling of it.Tell them something compared to you and it.Be specific but attention maker.But dont be too specific ,itll be a little boring and wont get attention.Hope that helped
Yes,I will agree.
Because it depends in our situations,,,what if we don't have a vacant time for reading a lot of pages in the books?We are successfully person if we pursue our dreams and fassions in our lives.We know that education is the most important of us the most powerful weapon and a beautiful way to having a successful life soon.It depends also to our practical experience if we tried to have a hard problems or whatever that make's you look down your self with self saying,,,I quit!or I stop it,,,it's over!!!I have a lot of sacrifices but no one can appreciate? That's the one of your example that you need to have a great job in your future and make it inspirations of what you're family says about your characteristics and your attitude that no one can understand your situation but keep studying...It depends the practical experience not from the books because your hard experiences is makes you keep strong and keep fighting for your next experience.