Her :) It's a woman talking, and there's only one of her
If I was in China I would like to learn a lot of China's Chinese words I'm American I can't really learn that many words that fast so doing the tradition of China when they have the party I think it'll be hard for me to adapt because I don't even know how to start off what to do and also if I was in Tokyo ya like Tokyo Japanese Japan I would I know if you were Japanese but I really think that doing the Japanese culture not really got of you also if I was in the
If I were a member of the communist party at the time of the Russian revolution, I would support the communist party for their distinguished and unique ideologies.
The ideas and the programmes of the "communist party" are motivated and refers to the purpose to be fulfilled. The different aspects of the society are understood and considered by the communist party. Their motive of reformation of the country is for better.