Answer: It honestly depends on what happened to make the friendship bad, right now tho i have a toxic friend
up fixing go on kg kg kg kg gk go on the lookout to make a new terms and the three of us will have a good morning and we can talk more water if we are not there will not me I love him so I will be useful and will help with a wooden case with a wooden door book and the three of us will have to go through a lot and we are not me and.
Help the reader get to know the character (emotions and actions). It is also used to show the reality of a conversation between characters.
Here ya go! Hope this helps! Please spell check; mine is being buggy today.
Scruntiny: Watson was used to Sherlock's scruntiny about mysteries.
Inconsequential: Not important or significant. Sentence: The spilled milk seems inconsequential when compared to the murder.
Illuminated: Lit with bright lights. Sentence: During christmas our town is illuminated with decorative lights.
Coveted: Greatly desired or envied. Sentence: The royal robe was a coveted item at the gallery.