Creation of an egg- sexual
Creation of a fruit - sexual
Mushrooms producing spores - Sexual
Production of seeds - Sexual
Budding in yeast - Asexual
Stem cuttings of plants - Asexual
Goblet Cells
HCL in the lumen doesn't digest the mucous because goblet cells in the mucous secrete large quantities of protective mucus that line the mucous surface.
In simple terms, our stomach has enzymes which allow it to be protected against the hydrochloride acid.
Cells get proteins from the environment around them
Low Level Irradiation kills bacteria and parasites.
The Nutrition value of of irradiated food is the same as regular food with less bacteria.
Irradiation makes fruits and vegetables riper and spoil slower.
Irradiation will increase cost of food.
The percentage of radiation as always being negative will also make
Irradiated food are not widely available yet.
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