Originally humans simply hunted and gathered, but this nomadic lifestyle made having a large family difficult and culture was therefore rarely passed on.
Montezuma treated the strangers on the coast like gods and accordingly gave them vast expensive gifts, due to their pale skin and the way that they had landed on the coast.
Answer: In February 1946, George F. Kennan's transmission from Moscow was published in the Kennan-Roosevelt Telegram, which is now known as the Kennan-Roosevelt Telegram.
Explanation: Kennan's "Long Telegram" was the cornerstone of the United States' "containment" strategy against the Soviet Union for the duration of the Cold War.
Answer: true, he is popular because he is the second president duh!!!
Answer: "The painting serves as an allegory for Manifest Destiny and American westward expansion. ... The figure of Progress is ushering an era of modernization, development, and advancement to the West, which in the painting is portrayed as a dark and savage place, especially when compared to the eastern side of the painting."
If you have any questions please comment on my answer. Thank you.