The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs mathematical, logical, and decision operations. It can be divided into the arithmetic unit (responsible for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). And logic unit (responsible for comparing, selecting, matching and merging different data or information). The power and efficiency of the CPU depends on the design of the ALU.
Next up is the control unit (CU) which directs all the processor’s operations. It’s where the CPU reads and interprets requests from memory and transforms them into a series of signals (binary). Then it sends the operation to various parts of the laptop as instructed. The CU calls the ALU to perform the necessary calculations. It also coordinates all input/output devices to transfer or receive instructions.
The main job of the memory unit is to store data or instructions and intermediate results. It’s divided into primary memory and secondary memory to supply data to other units of the CPU. It allows the CPU to perform functions requested by programs like the operating system without having to ask RAM.
Another element of the CPU not depicted in the diagram is transistors. To carry out calculations, binary information (ones and zeros) is stored in these microscopic switches. They control the flow of electricity depending on whether the switch is ON or OFF. Signals turn off and on different combinations of transistors to perform calculations. A very thin silicon chip can contain several hundred million transistors.
A. Do your own research including reading articles related to the same topic.
To confirm online information that is not made by reputable experts, professionals, journals, or websites, it is always recommended to cross-check such information carefully. To do that is to make research on the same topic and confirm if the actual information is the same.
Hence, in this case, the correct answer is "Do your own research including reading articles related to the same topic."
God Is Good He Will Always Help You He Is Good And Always Good!!
If God Is For Us Who Can Be Against us?? Romans 8:31
Answer: the corret answer C. The analyst has prefetch enabled on the browser in use.
The analyst has like an indicator which is prefetch enabled on the browser in use.
I will code in JAVA.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
boolean tallEnough;
boolean oldEnough;
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
tallEnough = input.nextBoolean();<em> //wait the input for tallEnough</em>
oldEnough = input.nextBoolean(); <em>//wait the input for OldEnough</em>
if(tallEnough && oldEnough){
} else {
First, to accept user inputs you have to import the class Scanner. Then declare both variables before allowing the user to set input values for both boolean variables.
In the if-else statement checks if both variables are true, then prints true. Another case prints always false.