The cinematographer captures, through his aesthetic vision, his originality and his interaction with the current production, the tones, luminosities, how the images offered to the objective potential and the energy inherent in each scenario will be filmed or photographed.
This professional, also known as a photographer, is the technician in charge of translating the script into images for both movie screens and the language of video. It is he who creates a face for the visual sphere of a live show or projection. Thus, it is possible to imagine how decisive is its contribution in the elaboration of a production, because the cinematographer portrays the moments, selects the most appropriate lights for each scene, highlights the artistic character of all production plans.
The trader should also be up to date on new technologies so as not to become an outdated expert. There are currently numerous innovations in this field, especially with the digitization of images. This process was accelerated, in turn, by the emergence of the HDTV system, which, according to cinematographers in tune with the novelty, significantly alters the way light is perceived.