When it comes to shopping in malls vs shopping in local market in Bangladesh, even though I cannot provide the whole paragraph here, the following are useful tips for you to develop into a paragraph:
- Think about your personal experience. Have you had the chance to shop in both a mall and a local market in Bangladesh? Then try to remember what you did and how it felt like in each place.
- In case you haven't had that experience, try to find people who have and ask them about it. Take notes.
- Compare. Think of what is similar in the two places. Perhaps you can find similar products in each place.
- Contrast. Think of what is different between the two places. Perhaps the mall is cozier because it has air conditioning, or the market is more lively and crowded.
When writing a paragraph about "<u>something vs something</u>," you should aim to compare and contrast the two things.
In this case, the aim is to compare and contrast the experience of shopping at a mall and shopping in local markets in Bangladesh.
If you have been at both types of places, use your personal experience to find ideas to write about.
You can also research online or talk to people who have shopped at both types of places, in case you have not done it.
A possible way to structure your paragraph is:
- State how both places are good for shopping, but make it clear that you prefer one over the other.
- Compare the two places.
- Contrast the two places.
- Conclude by stating which one you prefer.
Learn more about writing compare and contrast paragraphs here: