Yes, a subtle one.
Symptoms of a panic attack are intense and disruptive. They often involve a sense of “unreality” and detachment. Anxiety symptoms vary in intensity, from mild to severe. Panic attacks appear suddenly, while anxiety symptoms become gradually more intense over minutes, hours, or days.
Now here's my take on it ( I have severe anxiety).
While Anxiety attacks take time to build up, panic attacks come out of nowhere (one moment you're fine, the next you can't breathe)
The acronym SITS is often used as the name for the collection of muscles that make up the rotator cuff: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis.
When you feel threatened, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, which rouse the body for emergency action. Your heart pounds faster, muscles tighten, blood pressure rises, breath quickens, and your senses become sharper.
With empathy, you can understand in a certain way, how the others living with you might be feeling, with this, many problems can be avoided.
I think it’s B I’m not that sure but if it’s not I’m sorry