Without structure and rules, our world would be complete and utter chaos. Rules keep everyone in order. From small children in Elementary schools to Adults dealing with real life situations, they all follow codes of etiquette and civilizational structure. If you harm someone or steal property from school, you’re going to face consequences. This all ties into Rule of Law, which is the idea that if you do something wrong there are consequences by higher authorities, whatever that may mean to you.
A. participation in religious organizations
Each religions tend to have their own set of rules regarding marriage. Such rules tend to be considered as 'Sin' to be broken. (for example, most of them are advocating for dating within the same religion or one of the partner have to change their religion, no sex before marriage, etc)
Because of this, being a participant in religious organization will actually tied you down to this pre-determine rule and enforces a certain script for dating.
King george, queen whatever, and the spanish dictators, and the tsar
right the north country places like californa and stuff like that and south like russia and china and like the uk