He ran a federal bank in Maryland.
- Women were set in high positions in the Minoan culture.
- The Minoan's property was named subsequent to King Minos
- Their fine art delineated their way of life.
Minoan Influences. As Minoan culture and exchange emanated over the Aegean, people group on the islands of the Cyclades and the Dodecanese (close to the shoreline of cutting edge Turkey) were profoundly changed through contact with Crete. Cretan designs turned out to be exceptionally mainstream in the eastern Mediterranean.The ocean was basic to their flourishing and survival. The Minoans were engaged with the tin exchange, basic in the Bronze Age. Tin, alloyed with copper which may have originated from Cyprus, was utilized to make bronze. They exchanged saffron collected from a kind of crocus.
Seeking social support
Making a Connection is simply finding similarities, between two or more different people of different understanding. In any relationship, connection is needed to ensure it survival and growth.
Social support simply means information from others that one is loved and cared for, esteemed and valued, and part of a network of communication and mutual obligations.
It can also be said to be the way of interacting in relationships which improves coping, esteem, belonging, and competence through actual or perceived exchanges of physical and psychological resources. Focuses more on communication.
Types of social support include; material support, informational support, motional support and Invisible support. This interaction will give both patners a clrarer view of what they are talking and help them come to a decision or compromise.
The answer would be that stress rises from both the occurrences and our cognitive appraisal of them. Cognitive appraisal means that it is the personal understanding of a condition that eventually influences the degree to which the situation is professed as stressful.