The answer is today it is only interpreted to include all people while originally it referred only to white men
Beneficios: Introdujo el Catolicismo a América
Desventajas: Perdimos nuestras religiones y costumbres
Beneficios: Pudo ser globalizado el continente y obtuvo una apertura al mundo avanzado lo cual le permitio el avanze economico acorde con las del mundo.
Desventajas: Las poblaciones de las grandes naciones americanas fueron azotadas por las enfermedad y la discriminación mientras que los nativos americanos del norte fueron expulsados de sus tierra y encerrados en recerbaciones.
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The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), signed on October 30, 1947, by 23 countries, was a legal agreement minimizing barriers to international trade by eliminating or reducing quotas, tariffs, and subsidies while preserving significant regulations.
<h3><u>What Exactly Is the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)?</u></h3>
The GATT became active on January 1st, 1948. It has since been improved, finally leading to the World Trade Organization (WTO) being established on January 1, 1995, which absorbed and enlarged it. Its agreements, which at this point encompassed nearly 90% of world trade, had 125 signatories.
The GATT is overseen by the Council for Trade in Goods (Goods Council), which is made up of members from every WTO member state. Swedish Ambassador Mikael Anzén will serve as the Goods Council's head as of September 2020. There are ten committees on the council that deals with issues like anti-dumping laws, market access, and agriculture.
Learn more about the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) with the help of the given link:
The death of Julius Caesar ultimately had the opposite impact of what the Liberators hoped. The majority of the Roman public hated the senators for the assassination, and a long series of civil wars ensued. In the end, Caesar's nephew Octavian emerged as Rome's leader. He re-named himself Caesar Augustus.
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