Statue of Liberty can also be a symbol of freedom.
Belfort was born in 1962 in the Bronx borough of New York City to a Jewish family. He was raisedin Bayside, Queens. Between completing high school and starting college, Belfort and his close (related to the time when a person is a child) friend Elliot Loewenstern earned $20, 000 selling Italian ice from styro foam coolers to people at a local beach. Belfort went on to graduate from American University with a degree in (study of living things/qualities of living things). Belfort planned on using the money earned with Loewenstern to pay for teeth-related school, and heenrolled at the University of Maryland School of (medical care for the teeth); however, he left after the dean of the school said to him on his first day at the college: “The golden age of medical care for the teeth is over. If you’re here simply because you’re looking to make a lot of money, you’re in the wrong place”.
B) shipbuilding
C) early discoveries
D) famous explorers
These topics would be helpful when writing about sixteenth-century journeys to the New World. Shipbuilding was a significant element of these journeys, as the countries with better shipbuilding skills were the ones that dominated the oceans. Early discoveries are also significant to discuss, as they often led to increasing the exploration efforts. Finally, the study of famous explorers can help us understand many of the motivations behind exploration. Air travel and satellite technology, however, had not been invented at that point in history.
My opinion/answer: I think being a teacher would be better, not only that you can get your own education back up, but you can also get other students education up too! But also being a farmer you can grow your own plants, and food.! But I think teachers would be better.