according to Lenz's law, the induced current direction will be clockwise
The word friends can be replaced by the pronoun THEY but in this case the phrase replaced will be some of our friends , that is to say the subject . Another option is to replace our friends by THEM . In this sentence friends can be repalced by THEM
False because countries have to interact with companies in different countries to find and produce the thing that is going to be imported weather food or electronics. An example of this is a food shop company will have to interact with another country like Africa to have bananas or other exotic fruits imported to their stores.
A. resolution sorry for no explanation please mark brainliest
Basically, the three seekers propel the plot of the story by showing up at a most helpful minute: directly after Mrs. Sappleton's chipper monolog about her significant other and siblings. The seekers' attitude, the way of dress, and activities seem to substantiate the subtle elements in Vera's tale about the family's appalling history. The creator utilizes the three seekers to feature Frampton's neurosis and Vera's control of the effortlessly affected anxious person.