The word diaspora emanated from an ancient Greek word which means "to scatter about." And that's exactly what happened to the people of diaspora — they scatter from their homeland to places across the globe, taking along with them their culture as they go.
external <span>locus of control is the belief that our outcomes are outside of our control; internal locus of control is the belief that we control our own outcomes.
People that excel in external locus control will tend to be more spiritual are not suited in the decision-making process because they generally could accpet their 'fate'. Meanwhile, people that excel in internal locus control tend to be logical and ambitious with a strong drive to improve themselvess.</span>
The constitution can be amended when the Congress proposes an amendment, and this is ratified by the states.
when the Congress proposes an amendment, this has to pass through two bodies of the Congress: the House and the Senate.
Answer:A principle where every person shall beheld accountable to international human right laws, publicly declared laws, equally enforced laws, and independently adjudicated laws. No one is above these laws.