Era is used to mark the boundaries of geological time scale by using radio carbon dating technique.
Geological time starts with Precambrian time.
Geologically, time is divided between the Precambrian era and present time into era.
The three eras are Paleozoic era, Triassic period and Cenozoic era.
Era is further divided into periods.
Scientists use radio carbon dating to study fossils and rock formation. With this study they were able to divide them in exact geological scale.
Geologic scale is the record of events in earth's history and evolution.
Food for the plant and the ground soil around the plant will get nutrients.
Answer: endoplasmic reticulum
Prokaryotes ( meaning pro: before and Karyon: for kernel/nut) describes organisms which don’t have a cell nucleus or other organelles surrounded by membranes
Eukaryotes (eu meaning true), are organisms with a cell nucleus and several other organelles surrounded by membranes
Example prokaryotes do not contain: nuclei , Golgi apparatus, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum
Both may contain a cell wall, flagella, ribosomes, DNA and plasma membranes